Let’s get together and revive our moment

Let’s get together and revive our moment

A pleasant memory, a memory of a lifetime…isnt it too bad to let it die down so easily?

The torch of SLUG 2019 went off glamorously at Ruhuna going into hibernation for 3 whole years before it will teleport itself to the East. But should we let it die off that easily? The victory you received, the friends you met? Let’s get together and revive that special moment that tuned off.

Started in 2011, “Spitzer” is the inter-university games after party.

Spitzer comes along this year with open games for all to join and enjoy in a field that is fair with a chance for everyone to go at the win. Muster up your courage and join if you dare. Conquer when you can conquer and show your worth in the fray. Bring back the cherished memories of the SLUG that dimmed. Join to bestow the honors on those who played the game the best. Join the melody of victory and dance in the breeze till the day concludes.

You are not alone to celebrate…

 It’s a celebration where “celebrities” join to celebrate along with you, a day that is filled with all kinds of fun and enjoyment, ultimately a day that is unlike any other. Last year it was actress Pooja Umashankar, Sri Lanka racing legend Dilantha Malagamuwa, Sri Lanka cricketer Sachithra Senanayake, Miss Sri Lanka Chulakshi Ranatunga and YouTuber Ashen ‘Vlogs’ who joined the party. This year, too, MoraSpirit is working around the clock to bring together guests who will brighten the evening of Spitzer for you.

Keep tuned for more news, and keep the date free to join with Spitzer to give a final farewell to “SLUG 2019” and all the exiting encounters it brought about with it.

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