
FISU world university mind games online - Adapting to the new normal

FISU world university mind games online - Adapting to the new normal

In a world where everyone has had to adapt to the new normal that is the world with Covid-19, chess has shifted from an over-the-board encounter to the internet. This was true in the case of the FISU World University Championship Mind Sports.

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"When it Comes to Javelin Throwing, I rarely Came Home without Winning Something"—Ahinsa Jayamini
Women in Sports

"When it Comes to Javelin Throwing, I rarely Came Home without Winning Something"—Ahinsa Jayamini

Piyumi Ahinsa Jayamini is an exceptional athlete who displayed her talents in multiple sports including elle, netball, volleyball, basketball, and athletics. Her forte lies in javelin throw, where she succeeded in adorning herself with numerous victories in the field of athletics.

Analysis into UVPA's Sports Woes

Analysis into UVPA's Sports Woes

The University of Visual and Performing Arts hasn’t had quite an easy journey in the domain of sports. In most inter-university competitions, they have failed to move past the last place. MoraSpirit decided to investigate further into the reasons of UVPA's sports woes.

Eleven years of Excellence: The MoraSpirit Initiative

Eleven years of Excellence: The MoraSpirit Initiative

Today, on the 25th of September 2020, Moraspirit celebrates 11 years of continued excellence and achievement in the university sports arena.

#LetsIDUS: The Hashtag that unites us all!

#LetsIDUS: The Hashtag that unites us all!

For the first time in Sri Lanka, the International Day of University Sport, better known as IDUS, was celebrated on the 20th of September at the University of Kelaniya premises.

"Balancing rackets and university": An interview with Yasitha Rangana De Silva

"Balancing rackets and university": An interview with Yasitha Rangana De Silva

Us at Moraspirit had the privilege to interview one of the finest sportsman University of Colombo has ever produced. He has excelled in both academic and sports, leaving the best example for the rest of the undergraduates.

Hasindhi Lokuge—The Champion of the Courts
Women in Sports

Hasindhi Lokuge—The Champion of the Courts

She was lucky enough to discover her passion at a very young age. She represented Sri Lanka at the World University Games 2019 held in Italy and was a member of the championship-winning tennis team at SLUG 2019. She is Hasindi Lokuge who is an undergraduate of the University of Kelaniya.

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