In the women's 800m round 1, 19-year-old Tharushi Karunarathna showcased her talent amidst a highly competitive field. Competing in Heat 6, she faced formidable opponents, including the world-ranked No. 6, Natoya Goule-Toppin from Jamaica, who boasts a season-best time of 1:56.83s, and Allie Wilson from the USA, with a season-best of 1:57.52s.
Despite the stiff competition, World No. 48 ranked Tharushi clocked 2:07.76s, finishing in 8th position in heat 6, ranking 45th out of 48 athletes. Although she did not advance directly to the next round, she has another opportunity in the repechage round on August 3rd.
The Jamaican runner Natoya Goule-Toppin won heat 6 with a time of 1:58.66s.
Tharushi's determination and effort are evident, and Sri Lanka remains hopeful as she aims to improve her personal best in the upcoming race.