Sports Quiz

sports quiz

Sports Quiz

MoraSpirit understands that the awareness about sports among the non-sports personals, personals who do not actively participate in sports yet are keen spectators, is vital for the creation of a sports culture at the university level. But unfortunately, due to the lack of interest in university sports of and the insufficient reach of sports-related news to these non-sports personals, their awareness about university sports has been minimal.

To encourage these students to actively commit to spectating university sports, MoraSpirit has come up with the new strategy of organizing a sports quiz for the university students. Participants’ knowledge about recent sports events, sportsmen and women, and sports history will be tested in a battle among the biggest sports fans. Their efforts will be rewarded in appreciation of their devotion for following university sports.

MoraSpirit foresees a significant increase in the university students’ thirst to follow and be updated on university sports. Initial plans for the event target University of Moratuwa undergraduates as the event’s participants. Though only the initial plans have been drawn yet, we expect to begin the event in the near future and hold an annual quiz from there onwards.

As an organization that understands the importance of a sports culture for the longevity of sports and athletes, we will continue to initiate innovative strategies to ensure the growth of such a culture in the local universities. And we believe the sports quiz will be one such event that substantially impacts the course of our target.